Fiberglass Planters

5 Decor Secrets Interior Designers Won’t Tell You (But I Will!) 

5 Decor Secrets Interior Designers Won’t Tell You (But I Will!) 

Have you ever scrolled through endless Pinterest boards or flipped through home design magazines, yearning for that perfectly curated look for your own space? Interior design might seem like an exclusive club with mysterious rules, but this post has your back! Here are five surprising secrets the design pros won’t tell you, but that will transform your home from bland to beautiful.

1. Lighting is Everything

It’s more than just a lamp plopped in the corner. Lighting sets the mood, creates zones, and highlights architectural features. Layering your light sources with ambient, task, and accent lighting is key. Don’t be afraid to mix warm and cool tones to create visual interest.

2. Scale Matters (More Than You Think)

Ever bought a couch that dwarfed the living room? Scale is crucial for creating a balanced and comfortable space. Consider the size of the room, the furniture pieces concerning each other, and even the height of the ceilings. Play with scale using ottomans, throws, and area rugs to visually “ground” larger furniture.

3. Negative Space is Your Friend

Don’t cram every corner! Space (negative space) provides a sense of calm and allows your statement pieces to shine. Embrace minimalism and edit ruthlessly. Less is truly more!

4. It’s All About the Feels

Sure, trends are fun, but your home should reflect YOU. Consider how you want to feel in each space. Tranquil in the bedroom? Energetic in the kitchen? Use colour, texture, and furniture arrangement to cultivate the desired mood.

5. Draw the eye

Interior design’s best-kept secret? The power of the focal point! This is the first thing your eye lands on when entering a room, setting the stage for the entire space. A well-chosen focal point creates a sense of visual interest, anchors the furniture arrangement, and reflects the room’s purpose.

Focal points can be anything from a stunning fireplace to a gallery wall or a dramatic piece of art. Here are some tips for creating a stunning focal point:

  • Highlight architectural details: Does your space have a beautiful fireplace, bay window, or built-in shelves? Draw attention to them with strategic lighting or paint.
  • Let there be art: A large statement piece or a well-curated gallery wall can become a conversation starter and the heart of the room.
  • Make a statement with our flower pots: Our incredibly beautiful flowerpots serve as stunning focal points.

Bonus Tip: Design is a Journey, Not a Destination

Your home should evolve with you! Feel free to experiment, rearrange, and update your space as your needs and tastes change. Create a home that makes you feel good.

With these secrets at your disposal, you can create a home that’s both stylish and functional.

 5 Decor Secrets Interior Designers Won’t Tell You (But I Will!)