Fiberglass Planters

Six Unexpected Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

Six Unexpected Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

If you agree with me, spending time in nature is extremely necessary. But in an increasingly urbanised world, doing this can feel like a luxury. But what if you could bring a touch of the outdoors in? Indoor plants are not just decorative; they offer a surprising range of benefits, transforming your home or office into a mini-oasis that not only looks good but actively improves your well-being.

Ways Indoor Plants Benefits Your Health

1. Enhanced Air Quality

One of the most well-documented benefits of indoor plants is their ability to act as natural air purifiers. Our modern living spaces are often filled with pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene, emitted from furniture, cleaning products, and building materials. These toxins can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat and have even been linked to respiratory problems and certain cancers.

A famous study investigated the ability of common houseplants to improve indoor air quality. The study found that certain plants effectively remove these volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air, transforming them into harmless byproducts through their microbial communities in the root zone. Peace lilies, snake plants, golden pothos, and philodendrons were identified as some of the most effective air-purifying plants.

Beyond removing toxins, indoor plants also help improve air quality by increasing humidity levels. Dry air can worsen respiratory problems and irritate the skin. Plants release moisture, which creates a more comfortable and healthy indoor environment, particularly during the dry season.

2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

The fast pace of modern life can take a toll on our mental well-being. Studies have shown that indoor plants can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. Simply looking at plants and greenery has a calming effect, which evokes a sense of peace and tranquillity.  Also, caring for plants can be a form of mindfulness practice, promoting focus and reducing feelings of overwhelm.

Published research found that participants exposed to plants in their environment reported feeling more comfortable, soothed, and connected to nature. Another study conducted in hospital recovery rooms demonstrated that patients with plants in their rooms experienced lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels compared to those in rooms without plants.

3. Improved Cognitive Function

There’s growing evidence that suggests indoor plants can have a positive impact on our cognitive function. A study published in the journal Environment and Behaviour investigated the effects of plants on office workers. The study found that employees who worked in offices with plants performed better on tests measuring memory and attention compared to those who worked in offices without plants.

More studies showed that students in classrooms with plants exhibited improved concentration and reduced test anxiety. While the exact mechanisms behind this cognitive boost are still being explored, researchers believe that the presence of plants can help to reduce mental fatigue and create a more stimulating environment.

4. Enhanced Happiness and Well-being

Indoor plants aren’t just beneficial for our physical health; they can also significantly impact our emotional well-being. Studies have shown that people who have plants in their homes or offices report feeling happier and more relaxed. The vibrant colours and natural beauty of plants can uplift our mood and create a more positive atmosphere.

Caring for plants can also foster a sense of accomplishment and nurture. Witnessing the growth and thriving of a living thing provides a sense of responsibility and connection. This can be particularly beneficial for those struggling with loneliness or depression. Studies have even shown that gardening can be a form of therapy, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

5. Increased Productivity

If you’re looking for ways to be more productive at work or home, consider adding some greenery to your workspace. Studies suggest that plants can help improve concentration and focus. One study published in the journal HortScience found that call centre employees exposed to plants at their workstations experienced a significant reduction in errors and increased productivity compared to those working in plant-free environments.

The presence of plants also helps to reduce noise distractions, creating a calmer and more conducive environment for focused work. Plants can also soften harsh fluorescent lighting, reducing eye strain and headaches, which can further improve concentration and productivity.

6. A Touch of Nature: Biophilic Design and Environmental Wellness

The human connection to nature is deeply ingrained in our biology. Biophilic design, a concept that emphasises incorporating elements of nature into the built environment, has gained significant traction in recent years. Indoor plants are a simple yet powerful way to embrace biophilic principles.

By bringing nature indoors, we create a more natural and restorative environment.  

Importance of Fiberglass Pots for Indoor Planting

While introducing indoor plants into your home or office offers tonnes of health benefits, creating a thriving environment for them goes beyond just choosing the right plants. The vessel you choose for your plant plays a crucial role in its success, impacting everything from root health and watering needs to the overall aesthetic of your space. Here’s where fiberglass pots are the perfect planter for your indoor planting; read here

Six Unexpected Health Benefits of Indoor Plants