Fiberglass Planters, Fountains

Two Decorative Piece Every Room in Nigeria Should Have

Two Decorative Piece Every Room in Nigeria Should Have

Having a serene room is an escape from the outside hustling and bustling and a therapeutic means of calming your frayed nerves. The importance of a tranquil retreat in your home cannot be overstated. You sure know this. Yet beyond serenity, an aesthetically pleasing room also serves as a haven, offering a visual and sensory escape that rejuvenates and restores you.

In their quest to create a fascinating and peaceful living space, homeowners in Nigeria are increasingly turning to unique and innovative design elements and decorative pieces. Maybe you’ve visited some homes in Ikoyi, Lekki, Nigeria, and for some split seconds, you swam in awe as your eyes took in the enormousness and lushness of these spaces

This is the pleasant news: you can have the same touch of sophistication and tranquility in yours. One of the secrets to replicating such an outlay is incorporating decorative pieces that can transform your spaces into a sanctuary of serenity and aesthetics. With the right decorative piece, you can transform your room into a masterpiece. Among the myriad of choices available, two items stand out for their timeless elegance and ability to bring life to any space: fiberglass flower pots and tabletop fountains

In this blog post, we will explore the unique charm these pieces bring to a room and why they should be essential elements of your interior decor.

Two Decorative Piece Every Room in Nigeria Needs

1. Fiberglass Pots: A Lightweight Elegance

Every room should have a vase! A fiberglass vase precisely. Despite their fascinating appeal, fiberglass pots or vases have gained popularity for their lightweight yet durable nature, making them an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor decor. The sleek and modern design of fiberglass pots can complement various interior styles, from contemporary to traditional. The lightweight nature of these pots allows for easy rearrangement, providing flexibility in decorating, but most importantly, they bring an alluring and refreshing look to a room.

How To Decorate Your Room with Flower Pots 

Simplicity often speaks volumes. One way to achieve a minimalist yet sophisticated look is by placing empty flower vases in your space without flowers in them. Yes! Empty flower pots on their own are adequate.

Placing a flower vase on a shelf or table can be a subtle yet impactful design choice, creating visual interest and adding a touch of elegance to your space. Here, the design speaks for itself, proving that sometimes less truly is more in interior decor.

However, if you’d like to learn more about how to use a flower vase as a decorative piece for your room and possibly add vibrant blossoms (flowers) to it, below is an expert article:,or%20in%20a%20glazed%20cabinet.

2. Tabletop Fountains: Serenity in Motion

Table Fountaintop

Two Decorative Piece Every Room in Nigeria Should Have

Tabletop fountains, on the other hand, are a dynamic decorative piece in interior design. The soothing sound of running water adds a layer of tranquillity, transforming any room into a serene oasis. Here’s how tabletop fountains contribute to the overall aesthetic and ambience:

Calming Ambiance:

The gentle sound of flowing water has a proven calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Tabletop fountains create a tranquil atmosphere, making them an excellent addition to bedrooms, offices, or any space where a sense of calm is desired.

Visual Appeal:

Tabletop fountains are available in a variety of designs, ranging from minimalist to ornate. Whether you choose a sleek, modern design or a more traditional fountain with intricate details that are artistic and magnificent, these water decorative pieces become focal points that enhance the visual appeal of a room.

Space-Efficient Elegance:

Limited on space? Tabletop fountains provide a compact solution for introducing the benefits of water features without taking up valuable floor space. They can be strategically placed on side tables, shelves, or even office desks, making them a versatile choice for smaller living areas.

Indoor Air Quality:

Beyond their visual and auditory appeal, tabletop fountains can contribute to improved indoor air quality by acting as natural humidifiers. The water vapour released into the air can combat the dryness often associated with air-conditioned or heated environments.

Creating Your Own Haven: Bringing Fiberglass Pots and Tabletop Fountains Together

Incorporating fiberglass pots and tabletop fountains creates a harmonious balance between static and dynamic elements, contributing to the overall aesthetic and tranquillity of a room. Consider placing a fiberglass pot alongside a tabletop fountain to create a captivating display that engages both the visual and auditory senses.

Looking for where to buy flower pots, tabletop fountains, and other beautiful decorative pieces for your homes in Nigeria?